Representation theories of Deadpool

One of the representation theory that Deadpool includes is Perkins theory. A stereotypes that can be positive or partly true.
  • Specifically, she stated that stereotypes are...
  • Not always negative - Colossus. He is one of the Helpers that helps Deadpool defeat the villains. He is seen as being muscular Russian.
  • Not always about the less powerful (Politicians are corrupt)
  • Can be about our own social groups-Negasonic Teenage Warhead. She is one of the helpers. Young people are extremely into social media. This is because the Internet allows them to connect to other people with the same interest. This part is seen at 2:16
  • Not always false- The superhero Deadpool finds the princess Copycat at the end to be reunited again. This is not in the trailer but is in the ending of the movie. We see this in most superhero movies as the audience expects a happy ending in all films.
  • Can change over time- We see women in both hero and villain roles. Before we only saw woman in a support role and rarely as a hero.  As time past, women slowly started getting roles that mattered. In this movie, we see Gina Carano acting as Angel Dust as the villain. We don't see that many women in theses roles being violent as we stereotype them acting in nurturing roles.
Another representative could be Mulvey: the male gaze theory. As the main character is a male, it could be promoting male power and always saving the princess. Most or nearly all superhero movie have a male hero. They rarely show women saving the world or helping a male character as they don't want to show women in power. However, lately, women have started getting main roles in blockbuster movies that have millions of dollar put into them. One movie is Wonder Woman that had a budget of $120 million and will be released in 2017. The movie is estimated to make over $1 billion. This shows us that women can be the hero of a movie and be a role model to other aspiring female actresses.


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