MEST1 Section B: The British film industry

1) Use our brilliant Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets)to find Media Factsheet #132 on British Film

2) Read the whole of Factsheet #132 British Film

3) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British.
A British Film is when films include a British cast,funding for the film and if the subject matter of the film is related to British cultures.
4) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film?
Hollywood has more people with more money. This means the budget of the movie would be higher as the movie is more likely to be a box office success. In addition, it would mean that they are more likely to make the money back. However, British movie don't have such high budgets as investor don't think it is reliable. However, some movies have made billions such as Harry Potter.
5) When did the James Bond franchise start?

6) In terms of film censorship and graphic content, what began to change in British film in the 1970s and 1980s?
Movie started showing more extreme content. They started to show more sexual and violent scenes. This meant that rating had to be added for the safety of children.

7) What groups are often represented in British film? Give examples of films these groups feature in. 
Movie that are made in the UK are more likely to be about the violent side of London. It includes genres like horror, thriller, and mystery. More Urban movies are made like ILL MANORS. They are shown to be reckless and careless.

8) What does the Factsheet suggest might be the audience appeal of British film?
The British audience like to see British actor and the ionic locations. It would include location like Northern towns and cities being used in many British films. It is a way of escaping from reality to a different part in the world that they haven't seen.


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