MEST1 Section B: A Field In England

Complete the following tasks on your blog:

1) Read the Media Magazine article on A Field In England in Issue 47 and write a 100 word summary of the article on your blog. You'll find the article in our Media Magazine archive - click on MM47 and go to page 19.

The article talks about how distribution is the key way of getting an audience. Without doing so, you are going to have a lack of an audience to watch you film meaning less profits. In addition, it gives 5 ways of effectively distributing your film. to make an effective campaign, you have to create something that is creative and is unique.
The first is to identify your audience. This is key so you know where and how to advertise your film. For example, if the target audience for a film is teenagers, they are likely to use social media to reach these audiences. They could use Youtubers to get to specific audiences.
Second is to estimate revenues from different platforms.
Thirdly, build awareness and maintain the interest of audience. The distributor can daily inform audiences about the film and release clips and BTS from the film.
Fourthly, interest cinemas to show your film. This is key to allow your film to actually reach the audience. 
Lastly, persuade the audience to watch it. This can be from the advertisements from offers the cinema can offer. 

2) Read the following pages on the official website for A Field In England and write a one-sentence summary of each. Each page provides explanations of the unique release strategy that the institutions behind the film chose: 

Industrial Evolution: Producer Andy Starke on the music industry influences informing A Field In England’s release strategy.  

Screening/radical release: Commissioning Executive Anna Higgs on the groundbreaking release plans for A Field In England.
Audience: Anna Higgs discusses where A Field In England sits within British cinema and how it will reach its intended audience for the film.

3) How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?
It doesn't follow the typical movie. It doesn't have todorvos narrative theory with equilibrium, dis-equilibrium and new equilibrium. In addition, most art-house films narrative is on something question. It challenges the stereotypes which people believe. Lastly, most art-house films don't have solid closure on character or a happy ending.

4) What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?

The main positive of doing this is that your audience doesn't need to travel to a cinema to watch the film. It also means that people can access it from anywhere and get a big audience at the end.

5) What are the disadvantages to this approach?
It can waste a lot of money If no one goes outside to watch the film. 

6) What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics
The audience for this film is likely to to be educated people that know about history (A-B). The age range for this film is likely to be 40-60. As they are educated, they are more likely to understand the content.

7) Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future? Why? What role will technology play in film distribution?
In my opinion, I think they won't realise the films simultaneously with other platform as going to the cinema is an experience. The way you watch it in the cinema is how the director wanted you to watch the film. However, DVD and BLU-RAYS aren't used by many people and feel in a couple of years it would only be realised in cinemas and digital platforms. 


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